DOOMGEON Consumables List
DOOMGEON Consumables List
Item | Type | tier | Spell Level | description |
Potion of Ambrosia | Potion | Heals 50 HP but causes Confusion. A Wisdom saving throw DC 13 can be repeated at the end of the drinker's subsequent turns. | ||
Potion of Attraction | Potion | Teleports target enemy to nearest adjacent square. | ||
Potion of Berserk | Potion | Gain Rage and always attack or move toward the nearest creature. Lasts for the duration of combat, or until the recipient spends a Bonus action and succeeds a DC 13 Charisma save. | ||
Potion of Brilliance | Potion | Saves against the drinker's spells are at disadvantage. Spells cast do an additional die of damage. | ||
Potion of Cancellation | Potion | All magical effects are removed. | ||
Potion of Cure Mutation | Potion | Removes 1d4 levels of mutations. | ||
Potion of Curing | Potion | Heals 10 HP removes all detrimental conditions (poison, stunned, etc). | ||
Potion of Haste | Potion | Grants the effects of Haste spell for the current combat. | ||
Potion of Healing | Potion | Heals 25 HP | ||
Potion of Major Invisibility | Potion | Grants the effects of Major Invisibility spell for the current combat. | ||
Potion of Invisibility | Potion | Grants the effects of Invisibility spell for the current combat. | ||
Potion of Polymorph | Potion | Polymorphed until the end of combat. Roll 1d4. 1 - Giant Ape, 2 - Giant Crocodile, 3 - Giant Scorpion, 4 - Cave Bear. | ||
Potion of Major Polymorph | Potion | Polymorphed until a Refresh is used. Roll 1d4. 1 - Orb Guardian, 2 - Naga Crusader, 3 - Spectator, 4 - Small Green Slime | ||
Potion of Magic | Potion | Restores 1d6 Spell Levels. | ||
Potion of Might | Potion | Advantage on Athletics checks and STR saving throws. +1d6 damage with melee attacks. Lasts for the current combat. | ||
Potion of Mutation | Potion | Causes 1d4 random permanent Mutations. | ||
Potion of Positive Mutation | Potion | Causes one random permanent Positive Mutation | ||
Potion of Resistance | Potion | Grants resistance to all damage types for the combat. | ||
Potion of Freedom of Movement | Potion | Grants effects of Freedom of Movement spell(combat) | ||
Oil of Sharpness | Oil | 1 | Must be applied outside combat. Weapon gains +3 enchantment until the next Refresh. | |
Oil of Slipperiness | Oil | 1 | Must be applied outside combat. Grants effects of Freedom of Movement spell until the next Refresh. | |
Potion of Climbing | Potion | 1 | Grants effects of Spider Climb spell for the combat. | |
Potion of Diminution | Potion | 1 | Reduces size category by 1 per the Enlarge/Reduce spell for the combat. | |
Potion of Flying | Potion | 1 | Grants effects of Fly spell for the combat. The maximum height is 10 feet off the ground, gaining altitude to climb ledges is at standard movement speed. | |
Potion of Cloud Giant Strength | Potion | 1 | Strength becomes 27 for the combat. | |
Potion of Growth | Potion | 1 | Grants effects of the Enlarge/Reduce spell for the combat. | |
Potion of Heroism | Potion | 1 | Grant effects of Heroism spell (5 temp HP per turn) for the combat. | |
Potion of Speed | Potion | 1 | Grants Action Surge for one turn. Speed increased by 10 feet for the combat. | |
Potion of Water Breathing | Potion | 1 | Grants effects of Waterbreathing spell until a Refresh. | |
Potion of Fire Breath | Potion | 1 | Grants effects of Dragons Breath spell for the combat. | |
Potion of Hill Giant Strength | Potion | 1 | Strength becomes 21 for the combat. | |
Potion of Frost Giant Strength | Potion | 2 | Strength becomes 23 for the combat. | |
Potion of Stone Giant Strength | Potion | 2 | Strength becomes 25 for the combat. | |
Potion of Invulnerability | Potion | 2 | Grants the effects of Heroism and Resistance to all damage types for the combat. | |
Scroll of Teleport | Scroll | The party is placed adjacent to the caster, then roll to determine where they are teleported. Roll 1d8 for direction, then move 2d10 * 5 feet in that direction. | ||
Scroll of Random Misty Step | Scroll | Teleport in a random direction. Roll 1d8 for direction, then move 2d10 * 5 feet in that direction. | ||
Scroll of Misty Step | Scroll | As per the Misty Step spell. | ||
Scroll of Brand Weapon | Scroll | Apply random permanent Brand to a weapon | ||
Scroll of Enchant Armor | Scroll | Add +1 to Armor Enchantment. +1 requires 1 scroll. +2 requires 4 scrolls. +3 requires 8 scrolls. | ||
Scroll of Enchant Weapon | Scroll | Add +1 to Weapon Enchantment. +1 requires 1 scroll. +2 requires 4 scrolls. +3 requires 8 scrolls. | ||
Scroll of Fear | Scroll | Fear as per the spell, effecting all creatures in sight of the caster. | ||
Scroll of Fog | Scroll | As per the Fog Cloud spell. | ||
Scroll of Immolation | Scroll | A target creature becomes enflamed and will explode as per the Fireball spell when defeated. Any creatures defeated by the Fireball will also detonate. Creatures damaged but not defeated become enflamed. | ||
Scroll of Mapping | Scroll | Must be read outside combat. Allows the group to see the battlefield and choose alternate placements for the group. | ||
Scroll of Noise | Scroll | Creates an annoying clamoring noise, drawing enemies to you. All enemies who perceive sound must spend the movement of their next turn moving toward you, if possible. | ||
Scroll of Vulnerability | Scroll | One target gains Vulnerability to a damage type of your choice. | ||
Scroll of Poison | Scroll | Casts Cloudkill Spell with a save DC of 16. | ||
Scroll of Silence | Scroll | Casts a sphere of Silence on the caster, per the spell. The sphere moves with the caster for the combat. | ||
Scroll of Blight Area | Scroll | Casts the Blight spell with a 20-foot radius AoE. Save DC 16. | ||
Scroll of Acquirement | Scroll | Must be used outside combat. Four magical items are rolled. The group selects one to receive. | ||
Scroll of Finger of Death | Scroll | As per the spell. Save DC 18. | ||
Scroll of Acid Splash | Scroll | 1 | 0 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Chill Touch | Scroll | 1 | 0 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Dancing Lights | Scroll | 1 | 0 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Eldritch Blast | Scroll | 1 | 0 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Fire Bolt | Scroll | 1 | 0 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Guidance | Scroll | 1 | 0 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Poison Spray | Scroll | 1 | 0 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Prestidigitation | Scroll | 1 | 0 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Ray of Frost | Scroll | 1 | 0 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Resistance | Scroll | 1 | 0 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Sacred Flame | Scroll | 1 | 0 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Shillelagh | Scroll | 1 | 0 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Shocking Grasp | Scroll | 1 | 0 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Spare the Dying | Scroll | 1 | 0 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of True Strike | Scroll | 1 | 0 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Vicious Mockery | Scroll | 1 | 0 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Bane | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Bless | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Burning Hands | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Color Spray | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Command | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Comprehend Languages | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Cure Wounds | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Divine Favor | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Entangle | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Expeditious Retreat | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Faerie Fire | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Feather Fall | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Fog Cloud | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Grease | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Guiding Bolt | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Healing Word | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Hellish Rebuke | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Heroism | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Hideous Laughter | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Hunters Mark | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Inflict Wounds | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Jump | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Longstrider | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Mage Armor | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Magic Missile | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Protection from Evil and Good | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Sanctuary | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Shield | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Shield of Faith | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Sleep | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Thunderwave | Scroll | 1 | 1 | As per the spell. Save DC 14. |
Scroll of Acid Arrow | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Aid | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Barkskin | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Blindness/Deafness | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Blur | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Branding Smite | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Darkness | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Enhance Ability | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Enlarge/Reduce | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Enthrall | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Flame Blade | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Flaming Sphere | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Gust of Wind | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Heat Metal | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Hold Person | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Invisibility | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Lesser Restoration | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Levitate | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Magic Weapon | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Mirror Image | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Moonbeam | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Prayer of Healing | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Protection from Poison | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Ray of Enfeeblement | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Scorching Ray | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of See Invisibility | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Shatter | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Spider Climb | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Spike Growth | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Spiritual Weapon | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Web | Scroll | 1 | 2 | As per the spell. Save DC 15. |
Scroll of Animate Dead | Scroll | 1 | 3 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Bestow Curse | Scroll | 1 | 3 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Blink | Scroll | 1 | 3 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Call Lightning | Scroll | 1 | 3 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Conjure Animals | Scroll | 1 | 3 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Counterspell | Scroll | 1 | 3 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Dispel Magic | Scroll | 1 | 3 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Fireball | Scroll | 1 | 3 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Fly | Scroll | 1 | 3 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Haste | Scroll | 1 | 3 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Hypnotic Pattern | Scroll | 1 | 3 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Lightning Bolt | Scroll | 1 | 3 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Mass Healing Word | Scroll | 1 | 3 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Protection from Energy | Scroll | 1 | 3 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Revivify | Scroll | 1 | 3 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Sleet Storm | Scroll | 1 | 3 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Slow | Scroll | 1 | 3 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Spirit Guardians | Scroll | 1 | 3 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Stinking Cloud | Scroll | 1 | 3 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Vampiric Touch | Scroll | 1 | 3 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Water Breathing | Scroll | 1 | 3 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Water Walk | Scroll | 1 | 3 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Wind Wall | Scroll | 1 | 3 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Banishment | Scroll | 2 | 4 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Black Tentacles | Scroll | 2 | 4 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Blight | Scroll | 2 | 4 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Confusion | Scroll | 2 | 4 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Conjure Minor Elementals | Scroll | 2 | 4 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Dimension Door | Scroll | 2 | 4 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Dominate Beast | Scroll | 2 | 4 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Fire Shield | Scroll | 2 | 4 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Freedom of Movement | Scroll | 2 | 4 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Giant Insect | Scroll | 2 | 4 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Greater Invisibility | Scroll | 2 | 4 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Guardian of Faith | Scroll | 2 | 4 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Ice Storm | Scroll | 2 | 4 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Phantasmal Killer | Scroll | 2 | 4 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Polymorph | Scroll | 2 | 4 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Resilient Sphere | Scroll | 2 | 4 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Stoneskin | Scroll | 2 | 4 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Wall of Fire | Scroll | 2 | 4 | As per the spell. Save DC 16. |
Scroll of Antilife Shell | Scroll | 2 | 5 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Cloudkill | Scroll | 2 | 5 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Cone of Cold | Scroll | 2 | 5 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Conjure Elemental | Scroll | 2 | 5 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Contagion | Scroll | 2 | 5 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Dispel Evil and Good | Scroll | 2 | 5 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Dominate Person | Scroll | 2 | 5 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Flame Strike | Scroll | 2 | 5 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Greater Restoration | Scroll | 2 | 5 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Hold Monster | Scroll | 2 | 5 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Insect Plague | Scroll | 2 | 5 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Mass Cure Wounds | Scroll | 2 | 5 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Raise Dead | Scroll | 2 | 5 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Reincarnate | Scroll | 2 | 5 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Telekinesis | Scroll | 2 | 5 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Wall of Force | Scroll | 2 | 5 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Wall of Stone | Scroll | 2 | 5 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Blade Barrier | Scroll | 2 | 6 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Chain Lightning | Scroll | 2 | 6 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Circle of Death | Scroll | 2 | 6 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Conjure Fey | Scroll | 2 | 6 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Disintegrate | Scroll | 2 | 6 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Eyebite | Scroll | 2 | 6 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Flesh to Stone | Scroll | 2 | 6 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Freezing Sphere | Scroll | 2 | 6 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Globe of Invulnerability | Scroll | 2 | 6 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Harm | Scroll | 2 | 6 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Heal | Scroll | 2 | 6 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Irresistible Dance | Scroll | 2 | 6 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Planar Ally | Scroll | 2 | 6 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Sunbeam | Scroll | 2 | 6 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of True Seeing | Scroll | 2 | 6 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Wall of Ice | Scroll | 2 | 6 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Wall of Thorns | Scroll | 2 | 6 | As per the spell. Save DC 17. |
Scroll of Arcane Sword | Scroll | 3 | 7 | As per the spell. Save DC 18. |
Scroll of Conjure Celestial | Scroll | 3 | 7 | As per the spell. Save DC 18. |
Scroll of Delayed Blast Fireball | Scroll | 3 | 7 | As per the spell. Save DC 18. |
Scroll of Divine Word | Scroll | 3 | 7 | As per the spell. Save DC 18. |
Scroll of Fire Storm | Scroll | 3 | 7 | As per the spell. Save DC 18. |
Scroll of Forcecage | Scroll | 3 | 7 | As per the spell. Save DC 18. |
Scroll of Prismatic Spray | Scroll | 3 | 7 | As per the spell. Save DC 18. |
Scroll of Regenerate | Scroll | 3 | 7 | As per the spell. Save DC 18. |
Scroll of Reverse Gravity | Scroll | 3 | 7 | As per the spell. Save DC 18. |
Scroll of Antimagic Field | Scroll | 3 | 8 | As per the spell. Save DC 18. |
Scroll of Dominate Monster | Scroll | 3 | 8 | As per the spell. Save DC 18. |
Scroll of Earthquake | Scroll | 3 | 8 | As per the spell. Save DC 18. |
Scroll of Feeblemind | Scroll | 3 | 8 | As per the spell. Save DC 18. |
Scroll of Holy Aura | Scroll | 3 | 8 | As per the spell. Save DC 18. |
Scroll of Incendiary Cloud | Scroll | 3 | 8 | As per the spell. Save DC 18. |
Scroll of Mind Blank | Scroll | 3 | 8 | As per the spell. Save DC 18. |
Scroll of Power Word Stun | Scroll | 3 | 8 | As per the spell. Save DC 18. |
Scroll of Sunburst | Scroll | 3 | 8 | As per the spell. Save DC 18. |
Scroll of Imprisonment | Scroll | 3 | 9 | As per the spell. Save DC 20. |
Scroll of Mass Heal | Scroll | 3 | 9 | As per the spell. Save DC 20. |
Scroll of Meteor Swarm | Scroll | 3 | 9 | As per the spell. Save DC 20. |
Scroll of Power Word Kill | Scroll | 3 | 9 | As per the spell. Save DC 20. |
Scroll of Prismatic Wall | Scroll | 3 | 9 | As per the spell. Save DC 20. |
Scroll of Shapechange | Scroll | 3 | 9 | As per the spell. Save DC 20. |
Scroll of Storm of Vengeance | Scroll | 3 | 9 | As per the spell. Save DC 20. |
Scroll of Weird | Scroll | 3 | 9 | As per the spell. Save DC 20. |
Scroll of Wish | Scroll | 3 | 9 | As per the spell. Save DC 20. |
Wand of Acid Arrow | Wand | As per the spell. Save DC 14. | ||
Wand of Binding | Wand | Can cast Hold Person and Hold Monster. Save DC 14. Concentration is not required. | ||
Wand of Monster Domination | Wand | Can cast Dominate Monster and Dominate Person. Save DC 18. Concentration is not required. | ||
Wand of Enemy Detection | Wand | Must be used outside combat. The party gains advantage on the next initiative roll. | ||
Wand of Fear | Wand | As per the spell. Save DC 15. | ||
Wand of Fire Bolt | Wand | As per the cantrip, spell attack bonus +5 or that of the user, whichever is higher. 1d10 fire damage. | ||
Wand of Fireballs | Wand | As per the spell. Save DC 15. | ||
Wand of Freezing Sphere | Wand | As per the spell Flaming Sphere only cold damage instead of fire. Save DC 15. | ||
Wand of Instant Excavation | Wand | Can instantly cast Move Earth or Bones of Earth. Save DC 17. | ||
Wand of Lightning Bolts | Wand | As per the spell. Save DC 15. | ||
Wand of Magic Detection | Wand | Must be used outside combat. Can detect any Vaults in adjacent minimap nodes. | ||
Wand of Magic Missiles | Wand | As per the spell. | ||
Wand of Paralysis | Wand | As per the Wand of Paralysis. A target within 60 feet must make a CON save DC 15 or be paralyzed. | ||
Wand of Polymorph Other | Wand | As per the spell. Save DC 15. Roll 1d4. 1 - A caterpillar (1 hp, walking speed of 5), 2 - Awakened Tree, 3 - Ettin, 4 - Flesh Golem. | ||
Wand of Quicksilver | Wand | Make a ranged spell attack against a target within 120 feet at +6, or the spell attack of the caster, whichever is higher. All spells of 4th level or lower on the target end immediately. The target takes 4d8 force damage plus 2d8 for each spell removed. A CON save DC 17 reduces the damage by half. | ||
Wand of Sunbeam | Wand | As per the Sunbeam spell. CON save DC 17. | ||
Wand of Synaptic Static | Wand | As per the spell. INT save DC 17. | ||
Wand of the War Mage | Wand | Use a charge to receive +3 to hit with the next spell attack. Cover is ignored. | ||
Wand of Web | Wand | As per the spell. DEX save DC 14. | ||
Dust of Disappearance | Dust | Per 5e item. Consumes the item and casts Invisibility on all allies in 30 feet. | ||
Dust of Sneezing and Choking | Dust | Per 5e item. All creatures within 30 feet CON save DC 15 or become incapacitated. | ||
Potion of Experience | Potion | The drinker immediately gains 1000 XP | ||
Type | tier |